
My Little Window to the World

Those of you who know me well, know that I am an unabashed fan of Macintosh computers and, most things Apple produces, truth be told. I often wonder about this strange turn of events because for years I was an Apple-basher. I would often remark to Mac users, "Get a real computer, will ya!" And now, here I am getting those same snide remarks from my Windows-toting friends. Hmm..

So why did this happen? It really boils down to this, I think. I worked a few years on a PC support Help Desk, answering phones, going out to do hands-on field work to solve software issues and the like. During that period I started "playing" with a Mac. Just to learn something new. No harm in that, right? Boy. I had no idea what trouble I was getting myself into.

I found out what long-time Mac users have always known. For the most part, Macs just work. There is very little you need to do to keep a Mac running in tip-top shape. It's nothing like owning a PC. It's...almost effortless. Now, don't get me wrong. Macs have stuff that goes wrong too, just any man-made machine. They aren't perfect, but they are by far the best marriage of computer hardware and software I have ever had the pleasure of using.

I am writing this on our only home computer, a PowerBook G4. That's a laptop for you PC fanboys. A laptop with a gorgeous 17" widescreen. Sweet. Very much like the one in the picture, except that the picture is a 17" MacBook Pro. One of the new Intel-based Macs.

If you like the "I'm a Mac, I'm a PC" ads the whole collection is found on the link provided above. Enjoy!