I've been thinking. Dangerous territory for me, but I ventured out there and did it anyway. :) You see, I've been trying to organize my thoughts so I can be more consistent about posting to my little online world here, but every time I think about it, I get...more confused.
Jen(n)'s commenton my last post, "Now that I've taught with you I know you have a ton to share!!!"really got my attention and made me think. The truth is, that I really do have a lot to share. So, why do I find it so hard to write a few words in a semi-organized fashion on my blog consistently? I think I may know the answer.
I am verbal. I like to share by talking. I love to share what's going on inside of me, but I also like seeing and hearing what is going on inside you. I want to hear about that thing you do. I feed on that interaction with my friends, relatives, co-workers, and strangers (friends I haven't met yet). Get me started on nearly any topic I am even remotely interested in and I am a sharing son-of-a-gun. Yakity-yak!
Writing seems like so much work, because I am constantly analyzing what I put on the page. Did I spell that right? (I'm a decent speller, but a lousy typist.) Is my "creativity" with rules of punctuation and grammar acceptable? Am I sharing something that is best left to the privacy of a conversation with close friends? All these things and more swirl around in my head and I find myself making excuses for not posting another day.
The truth is, I love receiving your comments - it spurs me on to fight through the confusion and helps me to know that someone actually gets something out of what I write. I especially like to lighten your day. But sometimes, I'll get serious too, because life isn't all about the laughs.
Thanks again readers, and especially commentators. You inspire me. I'll do my best to return the favor!
The Chipped Heart
5 years ago
Comments are encouraging. It does spur you on or at least me. The best comments come from those who know you in "real life." As one who knows you in "real life" I'll have to agree with Jen. I enjoyed teaching with you last weekend. You do have lots to share. Don't worry about grammar or such, it doesn't matter as much as the heart of the message. You have a good heart.
I have the same problem when it comes to blogging... my stories are always so much better in person. I think blogging is a great way to stretch and work on my communication skills, learning to express myself better!
tagged you! check the post on my blog.
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