By that, I mean to say that we often don't have much, if any, influence on the changes that happen in our lives. And that is precisely why many people hate it so vigorously. Change is a disruption - and it forces us to realize that we really aren't in full control. It actually throws in our faces that the control we thought we had over our circumstances is an illusion.
In another job, I was certified to facilitate a three-day workshop on implementing change. That doesn't make me an expert, nor does it make me any less susceptible to hating change, but it did help me gain a perspective for what is actually happening in people as they react or respond to change. I'm over simplifying here, but essentially, you are either initiating change or change is initiated for you by an external force. In either case, whether the change is perceived as good or as bad, there is a similar reaction - resistance. Resistance comes from the fact that any change is disruption, thus there is a loss of the comfortable and familiar. Whenever we lose something, even something we don't particularly like, we need to move through a grieving process to come to a place of accepting the change.
I truly believe that the speed with which we move through the grieving process is directly tied to our trust in God. If we believe that God is good and that He has nothing but our best interests at heart at all times, we can view even very scary changes with a greater measure of peace. We can do that because we know without a doubt that He is in control so we don't have to be. What freedom that brings! If we have no doubt about the goodness of God and His fierce, determined and uncompromising love for us, then we can learn to rest and find peace in any situation because He is in control and His judgment and His timing is perfect!
Now, I wish I could tell you with just as much certainty that this is how I respond to all changes in my life, but that of course would be a lie. I am, though, one of those who pretty quickly adapts to, and embraces change. In general, I like change. Like everyone though, I've had my share of "Why me? Why now? Why this?" moments, but as a rule, I've been learning to see that for what it is. A struggle to maintain an illusion of control over some aspect of my life over which I have no control. The one thing over which I truly have some control is how I choose to respond.
The more aware I am of what is really happening, the quicker I am able to come back to rest in His Spirit and just let God work out the details. I am in control of my response. Will I choose to trust in me or trust in Him? Will I allow Him to be LORD and KING or will I act like some rebellious knave who has to be taught to submit to authority?
I can't make the decision any easier for you, but I can tell you this...TRUST is the better way. Trust that God has made the right decision. Trust in Him to teach you and guide you in your grieving process about the strongholds you need to release. Trust in the destiny that He has for you and most of all...TRUST in His ability to bring you to the fullness of that destiny and call on your life.