I waited a while to post this because I didn't want to ruin the fun...for me, that is, of seeing my friends faces when they saw new 'do for the first time. I am so glad I waited. What a hoot!
For those of you who actually read my little corner of the web, thank you. Your reactions have absolutely made the change so worth it! If I'd have known the reaction would be so widespread and vigorous, I think I may have done it years ago.
The reactions do bring me to an unmistakable conclusion. Shaking things up once in a while helps keep life very interesting and fun. After all, hair color, unlike a tattoo, is not permanent. It is merely short-term thing that can be quite easily fixed if it's bad. The reactions have ranged from quiet smiles, rolling eyes and shaking heads (older folks I work with) to very encouraging words like 'Dude, I like it!' (from my younger friends) and everything in between. You'd think I'd changed my face. Many people I know well hardly recognize me at first. All in all, I am having a blast.
Kudos to Melissa from Reflections Salon for having the creative vision to see the 'new me' and bringing it into being. Who knows what's next - maybe a 'flame job' to complete the makeover? "Only my hairdresser knows for sure."
The Chipped Heart
5 years ago